- Central Nippon Expressway Pass
- Usage Information
[Customer Notice]We have closed our new bookings.

Reserve your rental car and CEP through the reservation center.
*A reservation is not required, but having one is recommended in order to ensure availability.
*Be aware that some rental companies might not have service locations in a particular area.
*Contact the reservation center if you need to change your reservation.

At the rental office, you must agree to the Hayatabi Central Nippon Expressway Pass Terms of Use and ETC System Terms of Use, fill in the required sections of the CEP Application Form, and pay the CEP fee.
*If you use ETC card outside the designated area, the flat rate plan will not apply to that usage, and a surcharge will be incurred. Surcharges for using the ETC card outside the designated area are to be paid when you return the rental car.
Click here to see the Hayatabi Central Nippon Expressway Pass Terms of Use. (105 KB)

Receive your rental car and ETC card.
*Make sure you securely insert the ETC card into the onboard card reader.

Enjoy your trip using the expressways.
*At toll plazas, use the lanes marked “ETC” and keep your speed to 20 km/h or lower. If the barrier is not raised, stop the car and follow the attendant’s instructions.

Return your rental car and ETC card. Pay the fee for any ETC card usage outside the designated area.
*If you used the ETC card a lot outside the designated area, it might take a while to calculate the surcharge.

Your usage is not covered by the flat rate in the following circumstances:

If you get on or off the expressway at the last interchange within the designated area, usage within the designated area will be covered.
However, if you get on or off at an interchange outside the designated area, you will be charged for the full distance between the interchanges you got on and off at.
■About flat-rate and non-flat-rate expressways

Zoom (913 KB)

1.You use the ETC card outside the designated area.
2.You use the ETC card on an expressway not operated by NEXCO-Central, such as those of the Metropolitan Expressway Company Limited and the Nagoya Expressway Public Corporation.
3.You use the ETC card on an expressway outside of the period for which you applied.

When you drive through the ETC lane at a tollgate, you will see a display of the toll charges that apply from where you got on to where you are about to get off.
If your trip was within the designated area, you will not be charged this toll.

If the barrier does not let you through at the tollgate, use the intercom to call an attendant. The attendant will assist you.

If part of an expressway is closed due to an accident or disaster, you will be unable to travel through that section.
Exit the expressway at last interchange before the closed section and take a detour on local roads until you are able to get back on the expressway.
In such cases, be sure to use the ETC card you were given by the car rental company.