Take in views of mountains and sea, connect with history, enjoy amusement parks featuring plants and animals, and explore the world-class manufacturing of Central Japan. This attractive route is packed with visits to places in Central Japan which are sure to please children and adults alike.
- Day 1
- Ninja Museum of Igaryu Ise Jingu and Okage Yokocho
- Day 2
- Toba Aquarium Mikimoto Pearl Island Ama Hut Experience Iragomisaki and Koijigahama Kanzanji Ropeway
- Day 3
- Kakegawakachouen Yaizu Sakana Center (Yaizu Fish Center) Nihondaira Gotemba Premium Outlets
- Day 4
- Grinpia Makinohara Toyota Automobile Museum Noritake Garden Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology
- Day 5
- JR Central Towers Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium Nagoya City Science Museum Nagoya Castle
Click here for the list of Wi-Fi Spots in SA and PA (Japanese only)
Click here for Freespot Public Wireless LAN Spot Service
Click here for videos of sightseeing spots in Central Japan
Click here for videos of sightseeing spots in Central Japan

Expressway toll(the CEP, NEP and AIP) | CEP + NEP + AIP fee | 43% off |
19,380yen Within the CEP area 16,040yen Within the Optional Area(NEP)1,540yen Within the Optional Area(AIP) 1,800yen |
11,000yen CEP fee 8,000yen NEP fee 1,500yen AIP fee 1,500yen |

*If you would like to use a Central Nippon Expressway Pass, please tell the staff when you make your rental car reservation.